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Rise and Grind: Let Madden NFL 23 quarterbacks have nice things

1 Anno 6 Mesi fa #209907 da anqilan456
has started in all of the last 80 games for the Browns and has been a steady presence for the defense in middle. However, he is just one month away from reaching the free agency market, where he could have a good chance of becoming the highest-paid center in the Madden NFL 23 possibly eclipsing the seven-year, five-year Mut 23 coins , $54 million contract Nick Mangold received from the New York Jets in 2010.

That means the Browns will likely need to open their pockets in a huge manner to sign an agreement on a long-term basis with Mack before he is able to enter the market. If they don't, the Browns could decide to grant Mack their franchise tag. This would be essentially guarantee his stay in Cleveland at the very minimum for the 2014 season.

If Mack receives the franchise tag it is safe T.J. Ward cannot. Ward is not eligible for the franchise tag. Pro Bowl safety is another offseason priority for Farmer, and the value that the franchise tag the safety position is approximately $3 million lower than that for offensive linemen. That implies that the Browns could possibly save cash by offering Ward his tag rather than Mack.

Mack was a first-round choice for the 2009 Madden NFL 23 Draft out of the University of California and he has played every game since joining the league. Mack was awarded Pro Bowl trips in 2010 and 2013.

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