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I respect that but you not purchasing it won't alter anything

1 Anno 4 Mesi fa #210872 da Sagelucy
Ideas On The Pricing And Marketing Of NBA 2K23

This news about the prices for NBA 2K23 has me. 2K has had issues but this time really mad me for whatever reason. They're literally the very first, and maybe only, game to never offer you a complimentary upgrade (for the base game) to next-gen AND to boost the next-gen cost as well. And linking the free update is so unscrupulous. Even Madden isn't doing this and EA is bad with how they treat their customers.

A number of you might say this is just business which is fair, but even then I wonder who is in charge of marketing because I can not understand how you publish such controversial pricing details without discharging any information about the actual match. All we know is the cover athletes. And judging by previous years, we won't even know the information or it'll come late in the cycle. They could have mentioned some features that describe why the next-gen version will cost more, etc., but they don't care at the end of the day.

2K requires a rude awakening like EA had before they started to change things which is the reason why I am seriously thinking about not buying NBA 2K23 for the first time in quite a very long time. I'm ultimately putting out this post there in hopes that they will one day hear the neighborhood rather than be one of the most tone deaf developers in gambling. It shouldn't be this difficult to make your consumers contented.

I respect that but you not purchasing it won't alter anything, it's going to take a crap ton of folks for anything to change, cost going up $10 could be the new standard for next-gen games, so I will agree that there should be another gen update for standard variant, but most people were honestly going to get the Kobe variant anyways, essentially just hurts those planning on becoming regular. You are completely right. It's only annoying because I know they view that the criticisms about these and it might be so simple to just let everybody upgrade at no cost and everybody is happy. It's not like they're hurting for money. Things like that pay off in the long run I believe.

If you want to know more about NBA 2K MT, please visit

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