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Bobby Okereke Raves about Matt Ryan

1 Anno 5 Mesi fa #210496 da lovelystyle
Indianapolis Colts linebacker Bobby Okereke got a new level of appreciation for veteran-quarterback Matt Ryan when he saw how the .Ryan was injured in the Week 7 lo s to the Tenne see Titans, but head coach Frank Reich announced they were moving to Sam Ehlinger for the remainder of the season, Ryan injury or not. , and interim coach Jeff Saturday reinstated Ryan as the starter for the Colts on Sunday.Okereke got a first-hand look at how Ryan handled the Matt Joyce Jersey situation with Ehlinger and came away impre sed with Ryan's level of profe sionalism and leadership."All the adversity the offense went through at the beginning of the year, and then when Sam was named the starter, really couldn't have spoke more highly of Matt," Okereke told ."Just the way that he helped Sam prepare for the games and gave him all the insight that he's had over his playing career. All the checks and the way he sees the game just trying to bring Sam along. So really gained a lot of respect for Matt going through that adversity.""And then when it was his Joe Morgan Jersey turn again to get the starting job and go out there and perform, he didn't mi s a beat."Scroll to ContinueOkereke credits both quarterback and the team atmosphere for a smooth transition."And you see Sam, and he's not there sulking his head, he's there supporting his teammate," said Okereke."It's really that locker room camaraderie. We want the team to win. We understand that it's a competitive league, and the best 11 guys are going to play on offense or defense, so everyone supports each other, and we want to try and get a win."The Colts will have a chance to even their record at 5-5-1 on Sunday against the . The Eagles are 8-1 but lost their first game of the season on Monday.If the Colts can continue their positive momentum and get a Catfish Hunter Jersey win against the Eagles, they'll find themselves .

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