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Teenager Jose Tena Emerging in Tribe Far

1 Anno 4 Mesi fa #210456 da lovelystyle
Every year, one prospect seems to rocket up teams top prospect lists. Early in the lead up to the 2020 season, that player for the Cleveland Indians might be 18-year-old shortstop Jose Tena. , on a list that differs quite a bit from others, Tena ranks 6 in the Tribes system. Law calls Tena badly overlooked in the Indians organization, and a tremendous athlete with great actions at shortstop and plus speed.The Dominican rose from unranked to No. 25 before the end of the 2019 season according to MLB Pipeline, and begins the year at No. 20. That is not a huge jump overall, but Pipeline indicates upward trajectory in the teenagers hit tool (up from 50 to 55), and run tool (50 to 55), as well as his overall score (40 to 45)Other than Law, no one is bullish on Tena as more than a projected Major Leaguer Caleb Joseph Jersey at this point. With a 5-foot-9, 160 pound frame, the current knocks on him are a lack of power, and questionable arm strength Manny Machado Jersey for the position.Between FanGraphs a se sment in 2019 and Laws last month, Tena seems to have fine-tuned his swing a bit, with the earlier review saying the leftys cut is a little long, while Law sees very quick hands at the plate, that rifle the bat through the zone.Scroll to Continue , Jason Pennini saw advanced bat-to-ball skills and plate coverage. Tena did most of his work going opposite field in the Arizona League, but still showed questionable mechanics.You can see the bat skills Pennini mentions in his video above. As Law also mentions, Tena still has plenty of room to grow, and with his ability to make hard contact, the power has room to grow as well. He may not fill out in the same way as Jos Ramrez, but it is not as if Cleveland hasnt seen a shorter middle-infielder turn into a power-generating bat. Plate discipline does remain an i sue.The arm will remain a question as he rises through the ranks, but given the rave reviews of his defense, Tena at least profiles as an above-average fielder up the middle. If he moves to second, he may have to improve that hitting a decent amount before he provides Cal Ripken Jersey much surplus value. He could transition to center field, if his reactions are strong enough, as well.Last spring, Tena got an opportunity at second and showed those reflexes. The Indians system is loaded with shortstop prospects like Tena, including Tyler Freeman, Brayan Rocchio, and Aaron Bracho, among others. The front offices ability to identify and develop these sorts of players should provide enough optimism that Tenas journey should be no different.

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