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Dodgers News Former NL MVP Has Epic Game

1 Anno 5 Mesi fa #210427 da lovelystyle
It's not too often that a three-game sweep against your rivals gets outshined by a historic moment, but for Dodgers outfielder , that's exactly what happened. An already historic franchise left room for more history to be Jimmy Wynn Jersey made with the former NL MVP taking the moment.The Dodgers back-to-back series sweeps against the and the Padres put them at eight games won in row and 11 of the last 12. A monumental moment for the franchise and huge confidence boost for the postseason as they continue to steamroll the competition.Scroll to ContinueUnfortunately for Bellinger, his numbers have steadily dropped since his MVP season so naturally any spark could hopefully catch Lance McCullers Jersey some momentum and confidence moving forward. On Sunday in the final game against the Padres, Bellinger might have gotten what he was looking for.Bellinger went yard not once, but twice, in the same game and brought his total to 15 home runs on the season. A great game to say the least, but it wasn't the first time Bellinger did this against the Padres this season.With his night, Bellinger became the first player in Dodgers history to have two multi home run games against the Padres in a single season. With a team that holds a laundry list of all time great hitters, athletes and hall of famers, this is a great list to be apart of.His two home runs marks the Tyler Clippard Jersey 15th time in Bellinger's career with multiple home runs in the same game and his third time against the Padres. Bellinger seems to have the Padres number, but let's see if he can keep the momentum going.

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1 Anno 1 Mese fa #211550 da PearcyDiego
When it comes to gambling, the excitement and thrill of playing a real money craps game cannot be matched. The sound of the dice hitting the table, the anticipation of the next roll, and the adrenaline rush when your bet pays off is an experience like no other. Of course, there is always the risk of losing, but that only adds to the excitement. When playing a real money craps game, it's important to stay focused and not let emotions get in the way. With the right strategy and a bit of luck, the rewards can be substantial.

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