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Philadelphia Phillies Schwarber Dominate

1 Anno 4 Mesi fa #210411 da lovelystyle
The Philadelphia Phillies moved into playoff position Thursday evening, deadlocked with the St. Louis Cardinals for the third NL wild card spot after an 11-0 victory over the Washington Nationals on Tuesday evening. The Phillies also improved to 21-9 under interim manager Rob Thomson. Cristopher Snchez took the mound after being recalled following RangerSurez' placement on the injured list Sunday. The plan heading into the game was to limit Snchez to 80 pitches or five innings.The lefty went exactly five innings without giving up a Ray Lewis Jersey single run, striking out, and walking, two. He threw only 60 pitches and while he may have had more in the tank, Thomson opted to pull him early. Snchez could be called upon to make another start, perhaps his exit could be an effort to maintain his confidence and momentum.While a shutout of the opposing team is a testament to the pitching and defense, one can't score 11 runs without the offense being equally as hot.No one is hotter Jordan Lasley Jersey in Philadelphia right now then super-slugger Kyle Schwarber, . It did not take Schwarber long to get the party started as he belted a leadoff home run for his 24th of the season.He added another solo shot in the third inning.Scroll to ContinueWhile he was hot in June, he has continued his torrid streak in July. Though it took some time for him to get going with his new club, Schwarber has found his stride at the perfect time as the team figures out how to adjust to the lo s of Bryce Harper.Schwarber is making that quest just a little easier.Another recent free agent signing is also beginning to find his stride. Nick Castellanos notched another two hits in what has been a good stretch of games for the right fielder.Getting both Schwarber and Castellanos going at the same time would do wonders for an offense searching for their new identity.The Nationals are a team the Phillies are "supposed" to beat, and Philadelphia took care of busine s on Tuesday night. As the fight for the postseason ramps up and Justin Tucker Jersey the trade deadline approaches, the team and fans alike will need to buckle up.It's going to be a wild ride.More From SI's :

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