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Trevor Story Calling For Red Sox To Sign

1 Anno 4 Mesi fa #210409 da lovelystyle
Will the Boston Red Sox keep one of the most dynamic infields in Major League Baseball intact?Many thought second baseman Trevor Warren Moon Jersey Story signed on under the notion that he would become the shortstop of the future following the departure of Xander Bogaerts this upcoming offseason. As it turns out, he would much rather keep his double-play partner around.Story gave a on the potential of Bogaerts signing an extension. I would love that, Story told Ma sLive's Christopher Smith on Sunday. Thats part of why I came here. I want to play with really good players. He certainly fits that mold. Hes been here for a long time and has had succe s in this market, won some World Series. Hes done so much on and off the field. This is only my first year with him but hes a huge part of this team. And of course, NFL Tennessee Titans Jersey I want to play with him for a long, long time.The extension of Bogaerts would at the very least prolong Story's stint away from the shortstop position, but he's more than willing to accept said reality if it means he can be a part of a winning team.Scroll to Continue Thats kind of how I thought about it in the offseason just having some really real conversations with myself and my family, Story said. And we were just like, Is this about playing shortstop or is it about winning? Obviously the choice kind of speaks for itself. Bogey is a really good shortstop. And I think having him here is going to be huge for us. Hopefully, we can make that happen.Story joins Red Sox's chief baseball officer Chaim Bloom and , who also in keeping Bogey around Rashaan Evans Jersey for as long as po sible.Some may say that Story is just saying the right thing, but he didn't need to comment on the situation and he certainly did not need to give such a long, thorough explanation of his thought proce s.As the season winds down, fans can only hope Story gets his wish.

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