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Dodgers Hanser Alberto Notches Historica

1 Anno 4 Mesi fa #210392 da lovelystyle
The Dodgers faced off against the Milwaukee Brewers in the second game of their three-game series on Tuesday and handled them 10-1 after a 4-0 lo s on Monday. The Dodgers have Chris Hubbard Jersey met their match against the Brewers and have struggled with them in the greater part of their last six outings, but that doesn't stop Dodgers infielder from making history.The Tuesday night matchup started strong off strong for the Dodgers, something we are used to seeing from the team against anyone not named the Brewers.By the end Trevon Coley Jersey of the eighth inning, the game was already out of hand so the Dodgers deployed their secret weapon to the mound, Alberto.Scroll to ContinueUp to this point, Alberto had a nice game reaching base twice, including hitting a double, but what he did on the mound called for his historic outing.Alberto closed out the win with a perfect inning which marked only the second time in MLB history for a player to finish a game having done all three.With the amount of love Alberto has gotten from the likes of and company, you could tell from the energy after the end of the inning everyone was rooting for Alberto. It was the cherry on top for the Dodgers as the team gave up just one earned run and finished with the biggest win against the Brewers this season.Wednesday night will mark the last time the Dodgers meet the Brewers for the regular season with the season tied 3-3. If the Dodgers can keep any Baker Mayfield Jersey sort of momentum going, the season series is in good hands for the Dodgers.

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