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Blue Jays Not Allowed to Play Games in C

1 Anno 4 Mesi fa #210382 da lovelystyle
The Toronto Blue Jays will have to figure out some place to play Zach Laskey Jersey their 30 home games in 2020, as it was ruled Saturday that they . The Jays are the first team to be denied the ability to play games in their home stadium.The team was informed of the decision via phone call that they were being denied approval by the Canadian government to play in Toronto amid the coronavirus pandemic.Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino released a statement Saturday on the matter, explaining that the federal government had denied the request.The Blue Jays, who may wind up playing their games at the spring training facility in Dunedin, Florida, had been given clearance by city and provincial governments to play regular-season games at Rogers Centre and was awaiting approval from Canadas federal government.Scroll to ContinueUnlike preseason training, regular season games would require repeated cro s-border travel of Blue Jays players and staff, as well as opponent teams into and out of Lamarcus Joyner Jersey Canada. Of particular concern, the Toronto Blue Jays would be required to play in locations where the risk of virus transmi sion remains high, Mendicino said in a statement on Saturday.Based on the best-available public health advice, we have concluded the cro s-border travel required for MLB regular season play would not adequately protect Canadians health and safety. As a result, Canada will not be i suing a National Interest Exemption for the MLBs regular season at this time.Reports say that Jays players were more in tune with wanting to play games in Toronto then traveling to Florida, a state that was hit hard with a spike recently in covid-19 cases.We have shared this news with the Blue Jays organization. We remain open to considering future restart plans for the postseason should the risk of virus transmi sion diminish. We wish the Blue Jays the best of luck as they start the regular season, Mendicino said.The Jays have Matthew Stafford Jersey a few extra days to figure out where they will play their home games in 2020, as they are set to open on July 24 at Tampa against the Rays, and five days after that they are set to play their home opener against the World Series champion Washington Nationals.

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