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Bangles Jewellery - Go Beyond Cosmetic Appeal

10 Mesi 3 Settimane fa #211751 da jeweller66
There is hardly a grown person on this planet that has not head of bangles jewellery or not seen one. Most of us have also had the opportunity of 22ct gold jewellery purchasing these ornaments at some given time or the other. In fact these bangles are so popular that almost all jewellery stores of repute will house these ornaments. Even a men's silver jewellery store will have a few bangles to offer to the metro guys. These ornaments are no doubt very popular with the ladies and the fact that they can be worn in several pairs or just a single piece adds great versatility to these jewellery items.

However, while today most of us see bangles jewellery as a cosmetic item much like pendants jewellery or necklaces, bangles have many more purposes too. The various symbolic significance of bangles are discussed below -

Matrimonial Status
It is a fact that there are various cultures in the world where bangles ornament signifies the matrimonial status of a woman. Married women must wear these ornaments at all given times and they are taken off only at a time when the lady becomes a widow. In these cultures a woman may wear other ornaments like pendants jewellery or even a pair of earrings, but bangles and anklets are not to be worn in her widow status.

Economical Status
There are cultures where the lady of the house must wear a certain type of bangle in order to demonstrate the economical indian gold jewellery status of the house. Silver bangles seem to indicate a low income household, while gold and diamond bangles signal towards prosperity. In these cultures the richer homes allow for men's silver jewellery, but the women will adorn only gold ornaments be it bangles or necklaces or even anklets.

Of course the cosmetic appeal of the bangles cannot be taken away from them and even in the cultures discussed above these ornaments are worn for their cosmetic value also.

There are various types of bangles available and right from those that are slipped on, to those that come with a clamp that allows the bangle to open up and be worn straight on the wrist, everything is easily available. While most of us know of gold, ladies bangles gold silver and platinum bangles, not many of us know that bangles are made from glass too. These colourful and bright bangles are quite a rage especially in the eastern section of the world map.

For more detail to visit our website >>>>

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