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Signet Rings for Ladies

1 Anno 4 Settimane fa #211566 da A1jeweller
Among the various kinds of rings that are produced for both men indian gold jewellery and women, signet gold band has its own significance. This importance is mostly due to its historic value. Originated in Rome, the signet band was worn by people who were in a high-ranking position. The signet ring at the time and for many centuries later on, carried a seal on its flat top. The seal was used to mark special documents as a mark of authenticity confirming that the document was official and is sent from the high-ranked end.

Even though the signet golden band still holds a statutory significance in many parts (for example the pope still wears it) it has largely become common. As a contrast from the ancient times, there is no verdict pertaining to who can or cannot wear a signet silver bands. There are however some traditions that are still associated with the ring of such deep history; for example, the signet gold band is usually still worn on the smallest finger of the hand and it usually has no romantic bearing.

A signet seal band is mostly used as 22ct gold jewellery a kind of heirloom that can be carried down through generations as a sign of love and memory; for instance a grandmother can present her signet ring to her daughter and then she may gift it to one of her own daughters in the future so the tradition is kept alive between mother and daughter.

The signet band can also be used to carry the family name down the generations; it is not uncommon to witness a man who wears a signet ring on his finger carrying the family name initials. People who have high-standing in society usually wear a signet ring to celebrate the proud family name. It takes years to build an amenable reputation in the society and there is nothing wrong in rejoicing with something tangible like a signet ring.

Signet bands are widely available at numerous high-street and even online jewellers. Although traditionally a signet band usually has a plain band ring for ladies with a flat surface on the top to carry the seal or initials, you can practically have it in any design and shape even if it is round, oval, squarish or heart-shaped. Whether they are men's or women's signet rings, you always have to keep this aspect in mind that there has to be a flat surface on the top for it to qualify as a signet band.

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