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Gold Jewellery - Back in Vogue

1 Anno 5 Mesi fa #210038 da kujhy
In the past decade or so, the Jewellery world has seen Silver and Platinum rise in popularity. Gold as it seemed was just not stylish enough. It even got to the point when wearing gold jewellery felt dated and old and most heirloom gold jewellery sat dusting away in jewellery boxes all over the fashion conscious world. Now, the tides are turning as fashion and jewellery designers are bringing gold back to the runway. Gold has been reinvented and is now very much in Vogue.

Flipping through any fashion magazine or going to high end shops will reveal a golden trend. It started with the metallic craze a few years ago where gold, silver, bronze, chrome, copper and other metals found its way in leather, clothing and others. That trend may be dying down, but the rise of jewellery in 22ct gold is still going strong.

Long link necklaces that can be worn in layers, dainty tennis bracelets, rings, chunky bangles and a whole lot more are basking in the color 22ct gold . The fashion world cannot seem to get enough of it. It is perhaps good news to now that something once thought to be past its prime is back on the scene once again and is showing no signs of slowing down.

21st Century Gold Jewellery Design

The design of Gold Jewellery is certainly different that what it was a decade ago. The designs are so varied that there is no one way to describe the ideal design as one. Come to think of it, it seems like every school of jewellery design is taken by the Gold trend that is why anyone, no matter the style will find a gold piece that is fitting for them.

Lengthy and thin: Long and Lengthy gold jewellery is one of the trends that have been popping up. In this design principle, long gold links that are interspersed with beads, gems, pearls and other things are predominant. Most of the jewellery under this design is thin, wiry and delicate in nature.

Chunky: Chunky gold jewelry mainly consists of bangles and cuffs. They are mostly seen in this design principle. It is quite rare to see chunky necklaces and earrings. The presence of stacked chunky bangles or of a gold cuff is often enough to accessorize an outfit. Chunky indian gold jewellery is often worn on the party seen, but if properly carried, it can look elegant with office and casual wear and even formal gowns.

Buying Gold Jewellery

Gold Jewellery should be bought from reliable sources. Those that can be trusted to provide the right percentage of gold for the Karats that they claim. This way, the buyer can be sure that he or she is getting the percentage that she is paying for. Plus, a good jeweler or a sought after jewellery designer would often add to the value that is already held by the gold piece.

For more detail to visit our website >>>>

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