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For a smooth progression within the game

1 Anno 1 Mese fa #211526 da doris89592
AirJ23: In MyNBA those "center/right/left" tendencies for 2k23 mt mid-range players and 3-pointers change for every player after every season, which can be annoying. I saw someone say the "center/left/right" characteristics don't impact the actual gameplay, they only influence simming. Is that true?Yallasama: Mike [Wang] said their signature jumpers have been added to the list more than ever before. I'm thrilled that they actually gave them names, so now they can be looked for yourself, as sometimes you weren't sure of the name before.

Now you know if number X actually was the right jumper or is like X player's jumper (by comparison).EccentricMeat: I haven't heard anything confirming or denying that player likeness can/can't change over the years in MyNBA Eras.My guess, simply based off the fact that they are updating rules and expansion teams and even courts/logos in relevant years, is that players will also update to reflect their IRL look in relevant years.

Plenty of NextMakers have posted NBA 2K23 gameplay videos today featuring Jordan Challenge. Jordan Challenge. We've included a few below and will be adding to this throughout each day.Virtual Currency, also referred to as VC is one of the most significant forms of currency in NBA 2K23. It is commonly used in MyCAREER mode to improve the capabilities of MyPLAYER and opening packs for players in MyTEAM mode.

For a smooth progression within the game, you'll have to be able to source VC frequently, and even though getting VC does not require any special abilities or planning, acquiring it quicker can be a challenge. But, there are a few actions you can follow to ensure that you get a steady flow VC through your account.Best methods to earn VC quickly in NBA 2K23

While purchasing VC with real money is the simplest and easy method of obtaining VC, it is generally not recommended to cheap mt nba 2k23 do so. Instead, you can utilize the free-to-play options described below.Playing MyCareeris probably the most effective method to earn VC in the game. When you regularly play MyCareer, you will earn a decent amount of VC and will be the primary method of earning VC. Additionally, the greater the difficulty of MyCareer, more VC you will get.

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