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7 Anni 3 Mesi fa #4 da cristian.c
Un ragazzo che ha le p***e si deve saper difendere da solo, non ha bisogno dell'aiuto di nessuno. Credo che la stai facendo troppo lunga Sofia...immagino che saranno state due battute tra amici

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7 Anni 3 Mesi fa #6 da Elisa95
Cara Sofia, ben vengano interventi come il tuo; questo forum è stato creato proprio per discutere di questi temi che purtroppo al giorno d’oggi accadono quotidianamente.
Non colpevolizzarti del fatto che non sei riuscita a reagire! In situazioni simili spesso la paura prende il sopravvento e non si è in grado di fare ciò che si vorrebbe.
E’ comunque da apprezzare il fatto che tu ti sia resa conto della gravità della situazione, e ci farebbe piacere che tu intervenissi ancora sul forum per spiegarci meglio il tuo punto di vista.
Se ci sono delle cose di cui non riesci a parlare in pubblico, puoi accedere all’area privata per chiedere un supporto a uno specialista in completo anonimato.
Il consiglio che mi sento di dare a Cristian è di non giudicare in modo così diretto e forte e di non sminuire una situazione di cui non si conosce la gravità per non andare a colpire la sensibilità di alcune persone.

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Is Lamisil good for yeast infections? Lamisil (terbinafine hydrochloride) and Diflucan (fluconazole) are antifungal drugs. Lamisil is used to treat infections caused by fungus that affect the fingernails or toenails (onychomycosis). Oral granules are used to treat a fungal infection of scalp hair follicles in children who are at least 4 years old.
What kills fungus? Fungi live in air, in soil, on plants and in water. Fungi can be difficult to kill. For skin and nail infections, you can apply medicine directly to the infected area. Oral antifungal medicines are also available for serious infections.
Does alcohol affect fungal infection? The study, which involved experiments in both mice and a small number of people, found that consuming alcohol is linked with changes in the types of fungi living in the gut, and that the fungi that tend to be more common in people who drink also worsen the effects of alcohol on the liver.
How many people die from fungal infections each year? Globally, over 300 million people are afflicted with a serious fungal infection and 25 milllion are at high risk of dying or losing their sight. Estimates for the global burden of fungal diseases are based on population and disease demographics (age, gender, HIV infected, asthma etc)1.
How is a fungal lung infection diagnosed? Aspergillosis is infection, usually of the lungs, caused by the fungus Aspergillus. Diagnosis usually involves an x-ray or computed tomography and, if possible, culture of a sample of infected material. Antifungal drugs are used, and sometimes surgery is needed to remove the fungal balls.
How do I know if nail fungus is getting better? You can find signs of an early fungal infection by checking your nails and the skin around them at least once a month. You want to look for: Changes in nail color, such as a white spot or brown or yellow streak.
Which antifungal is best for athlete's foot? Over-the-counter antifungal creams are sufficient for treating most cases of athlete's foot. Apply them as directed to the toes and foot. Common brands include clotrimazole (Lotrimin) and terbinafine (Lamasil) (Lamasil).
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How long does baclofen stay in the system? Baclofen is a muscle relaxant, so unless it's specifically being tested for it's not going to be part of a drug test. If it is specifically tested for, it can stay in the blood for a day or less, in most cases. Since baclofen is eliminated via urine, it can be detected in a urine screen for up to two days.
Does ibuprofen slow down healing? Aspirin and ibuprofen slow healing. But these anti-inflammatory medications can delay the healing process. Inflammation is an important part of the cleaning and re-building process of healing a fracture. Ibuprofen and aspirin inhibit this necessary inflammation and therefore delay healing.
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What causes eczema to flare up? There are everyday materials in the environment that can cause you to have an allergic reaction and trigger an eczema flare up. Some of the most common are: seasonal pollen, dust mites, pet dander from cats and dogs, mold and dandruff.
What allergens are common causes of contact dermatitis? Common triggers for contact dermatitis are: Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. Hair dyes or straighteners. Nickel, a metal found in jewelry and belt buckles. Leather (specifically, chemicals used in tanning leather) Latex rubber. Citrus fruit, especially the peel.
What medication is used to treat dermatitis? Topical calcineurin inhibitors for eczema. Another category of topical treatments consists of the calcineurin inhibitors, tacrolimus and pimecrolimus. They also work to reduce inflammation, improve itch, and can combat dryness—especially when used in an ointment formulation.
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